The Bookstore

by Mathias
The Bookstore
Photograph - Photo Realism Hdr
The bookstore... what tales may tell. High adventure awaits. Deep within the pages of these books are kept many secrets. The secrets that lead to hidden treasures or tales that unlock the heart. They beckon us on a journey beyond the stars or to mystery under the sea. Intrigue awaits at every turn, now which way to turn... or shall I move straight ahead deeper into the mind.
November 22nd, 2014
Comments (1)

Emmy Vickers
Matthew - awesome awesome scene. My husband and I love books! Great detail and use of light. Love it! Oh, you are quite poetic in your descriptions. Very nice. Just tweeted and added to my favorites. L/Fave/T.
Mathias replied:
Thank you so much for noticing it. I really appreciated your comments. That is one of my favorite photos. It prints extremely well too. I think it looks like it could be the cover of a fun teen adventure novel or something!